REPEATERS (2010) Dramatic Feature Film
Repeaters is a fast paced thriller that follows the lives of three young outsiders whose days inexplicably repeat as they struggle to battle personal demons and addictions. While each have some degree of volition and are able to use this day to play out fantasies seemingly with no long term consequences, none has power to change the truth that tomorrow will be the same as yesterday. Ultimately, all are forced to make choices that will affect not only their lives but the lives of everyone around them.
Cast: Dustin Milligan, Amanda Crew, Richard De Klerk
Director: Carl Bessai
Writer: Arne Olsen
Producers: Jason James, Carl Bessai, Richard De Klerk, Irene Nelson
Executive Producers: Melanie De Klerk, Andrew Herwitz
Partners: Rampart Films/Rampart Capital Corp/Alliance Films/The Film Sales Co/Maya Entertainment/Raven West Films/Resonance Films
Screenings: Toronto International Film Festival (Special Presentation), Vancouver Film Festival, Atlantic Film Festival, Calgary Film Festival, Edmonton Film Festival, Rendezvous with Madness Film Festival.